Speaker: Dr. Keisuke Unno.
Time/Date: Oct. 9 (Wed), 2019 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Location: Asian Centre Room 604
Please note this topic will be presented in Japanese.
Dr. Keisuke Unno is a professor in Premodern Japanese Literature and Religion at The National Institute of Japanese Literature (NIJL). His teaching and research interests include poetry, religious discourse, and bibliography.
Unno’s publications include a co-edited collection Masamune Atsuo shūshū zenpon sōsho 正宗敦夫収集善本叢書 1-6 (Tokyo: Musashino Shoin, 2010-2013); Takamatsu no Miyake denrai kinribon mokuroku 高松宮家伝来禁裏本目録 (Sakura city: The National Museum of Japanese History, 2009); Amanosan Kongōji zenpon sōkan 天野山金剛寺善本叢刊 1-5 (Tokyo: Bensei Shuppan, 2017-2018). His most recent publication is a monograph entitled Waka o yomitoku, waka o tsutaeru: dōjō no kotengaku to Kokin denju 和歌を読み解く 和歌を伝える:堂上の古典学と古今伝受 (Tokyo: Bensei Shuppan, 2019).