Over the course of 2007, CJR along with its sister-centres in the Institute of Asian Research is planning to hold a series of events to commemorate its 15th anniversary, to celebrate accomplishments over the past 15 years (see below for milestones of CJR’s 15-year history), and to look toward the future in mapping out the trajectory of research on Japan at UBC.
The first event was a two-day workshop on “Japanese Approaches to Local Development, Clusters, Industry-University Linkages and Implications for British Columbia” (co-sponsored by the Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada) held at UBC Robson Square on March 8-9.
- Asia Pacifica Foundation of Canada: Conference Report
- David Edgington. 2008. “Japanese Approaches to Technology Clusters: Implications for British Columbia“. Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada: Canada Asia Commentary.
The second event will bring Professor Keiko Takemiya – an internationally famous manga artist and scholar – to the UBC campus for Manga Culture in Contemporary Japan: Takemiya Keiko Festival on September 20-21. The programme for Prof. Takemiya’s visit is as follows:
- Wednesday 19th September, 2007, noon-1:30pm. Book signing in UBC Bookstore of Professor Takemiya’s English translations of her major manga cartoon book: “To Terra” (Translated by Dawn Laabs).
- Thursday 20th September, 2007. Asian Centre Auditorium, UBC, 1871 West Mall
- 3:00-4:30pm. Display of manga and TV presentation of Professor Takemiya’s anime films.
- 5:00-7:00pm. Public Lecture by Professor Keiko Takemiya on “Shojo Manga Power! Girl Comics from Japan”, followed by panel discussion by Dr. Sharalyn Orbaugh (Asian Studies, UBC), Dr. Masami Toku, (Department of Art & Art History, California State University, Chico) and Yukari Fujimoto (Shojo manga researcher and editor of Chikuma Shobo).
- Friday 21st September, 2007. UBC Robson Square Campus, Main Theatre, 800 Robson Street, Vancouver.
- 6:00pm-8:00pm public lecture: “The Role of Manga in Japanese Contemporary Culture”
Please also note that the Japanese-Canadian National Museum is hosting a Shojo Mange! Girl Power! exhibition September 19 – November 9, 2007.
For the third anniversary event, CJR will be hosting a panel discussion on the “Japan Market Advisory Group Report”.
- November 30 (Friday), 3-5pm (PDF Poster)
- “The Japan Market Advisory Group Report – Implications and What to do Next”
Panelists:- Mr. John Powles/Ms. Angela Hollinger, Japan Market Advisory Group
- Hon. Colin Hansen, Minister for Economic Development, BC
- Mr. Seiichi Otsuka, Consul-General of Japan, Vancouver
- Mr. Wayne Robson, Director and Senior Trade Commissioner, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
- Mr. Hiroyuki Matsuoka, Director, Vancouver JETRO.
- Mr. Tomomi (Tom)Yamamoto, General Manager, Vancouver Branch, Marubeni Canada Ltd;
President Japanese Business Association of Vancouver (Konwakai)