
[Mar/9] Workshop: “Gendering War and Peace in Modern Japan”

  Time: 9 March 2018 1:00 – 5:00 pm Venue: IK Barber Learning Centre, Lillooet Room The 2017-2018 Academic Year sees the 150th anniversary of Japan’s 1868 “Meiji Restoration,” an epochal political revolution that sparked Japan’s remarkable modernization, dramatic cultural transformation, and rapid emergence onto the global stage. One legacy of the Meiji Restoration was Japanese imperialist expansion […]

[Mar/8] Colonizing Language: Cultural Production and Language Politics in Modern Japan and Korea

  Date: Thursday, March 8, 2018 Time:  12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Venue: Room 604, Asian Centre, 1871 West Mall, Vancouver Please join us for the book launch of Colonizing Language by Dr. Christina Yi. In this monograph, Yi investigates how linguistic nationalism and national identity intersect in the formation of modern literary canons through an examination of […]

[Mar/2] The Family in Early Modern Japan: Looking for the Logic of Exceptional Choices

Start: 2 March 2018 4:00 pm End: 2 March 2018 5:30 pm Venue: Room 106, Allard School of Law By around 1700, most families in Japan were formed through stem succession: a single male heir inherited virtually all resources while his siblings departed the household. The practice cut across social station and calling, making it exceptional in the early […]

[Feb/27] Meiji at 150 Lecture Series “History and Hardship of the Japanese Immigrants to Canada”

Date: February 27, 2018 Time:  12:30 pm – 2:00 pm Venue: Room 120, C. K. Choi Building (1855 West Mall) Japanese immigration to Canada is officially recorded as beginning in 1877.  The 65 years since then and the forced expulsion of anyone of Japanese ancestry from the westcoast of British Columbia in 1942 is a time of complexity.  […]

[Feb/24] 国際機関就職ガイダンス

This event will be in Japanese. Date: Saturday February 24, 2018 from 13:00 to 18:00 Place: Henry Angus 354 Hosted by: Japan Career Network For more information, please visit Facebook page. 【内容】 国際機関で働くためには、意識的にキャリアプランニングをしてゆくことが大切です。 国際機関ってどんなところ? 国際機関に就職するためにはどうしたら良いの? どのぐらいの日本人が働いてるの? JPOって何なの? といった皆さんの疑問にお答えし、「今から何ができて、今後何をすれば良いか」を考えていただきます。 希望者には個別に相談の時間を設けます。大学卒業後の進路として、日本の公務員の仕事に興味がある方の参加も歓迎します。学生以外の方の参加も歓迎します。 【実施日時】 2月24日(土) セミナー 13:00 ~14:30  面談 14:45 ~18:00 (一人15分を予定) 【対象学生】 全学部全学科 学部・学科、正規・交換・短期関係なく参加可能! 【服装】 私服で構いません 【会場】 University […]

[Feb/9] Scales of History: Resonant Vibration between Family History and Global History

Time: 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM Location: Lillooet Room, Irving K. Barber Library (1961 East Mall) By: Professor Yoshimi Shunya (University of Tokyo) About the Speaker: Dr. Yoshimi Shunya is a Professor of Sociology, Cultural Studies, and Media Studies. He is the author of many books on cultural theory, urban culture, international exposition, media culture, information technology, the emperor system, and […]

[Feb/9] CKR-CJR Conference “Multiculturalism and Migration in Trans-Border Asia: Japan, Korea, and the Philippines”

Date: Friday, Feburary 9, 2018 Time: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Location: Room 120, C.K. Choi Building, UBC (1855 West Mall) By: Dr. Benjamin San Jose (Ateneo de Manila University), Dr. Toru Oga (Kyushu University), Dr. Yuki Ooi (Nanzan University), Dr. Jinhee Kim (Korean Educational Development Institute), Dr. Johanna Zulueta (Soka University), Dr. Suk-Ki Kong (Seoul National University), Dr. […]

***CANCELLED*** [Feb/13] The Potential For an Indigenous Policy Under the Constitution of Japan

  Date: Tuesday, FEB 13, 2018 Time: 12:30-1:30 pm Venue: FARRIS HALL, ROOM 106   The Japanese government recognized the Ainu people as Indigenous People of Japan in 2008 and is now working on to develop comprehensive Ainu policies. The lecture deals with the possibility of special policy measures for the Indigenous Ainu under the Japanese […]

[Feb/7] Wartime Japan” as a Divided, Ambivalent Entity: The Eurasian Experience

  Date: February 7, 2018 Time: 12:30 – 1:30 PM Venue: Room 604, Asian Centre, 1871 West Mall By: Professor W. Puck Brecher Abstract:  Historians have called wartime Japan a racist polity and the Asia-Pacific War a “race war” saturated by “race hate.”  Narratives about racial hatred between Westerners and Japanese during the war tend to be predicated on the assumption […]

[Feb/2] Fracturing Families: Adoption for Heirship from Tokugawa to Meiji

  Date: February 2, 2018 Time: 4:00-5:30 PM Location: Room 106, Allard Hall By: Dr. Marcia Yonemoto     Abstract The social and political importance of families and family continuity transcended the Tokugawa-Meiji divide. This talk focuses on a common strategy for preserving a family line: the adoption of heirs, especially the adoption of sons-in-law. While the practice of son-in-law […]