Threads of a Past Life: Kimono Talk and Demonstration

Location: CK. Choi Building, Room 351

Date: October 3, 17:30-19:00

Please join The Center for Japanese Research for an interactive kimono talk and demonstration event, presented by former IAR Fellow, Bailey Irene Midori Hoy. Bailey will be speaking on the relationship between the kimono and the evolving identity of Japanese and Japanese Canadian women, as presented at the Oxford Transnational and Global History Conference earlier this year.

In addition to this talk, Bailey will also be presenting a demonstration of new and traditional forms of kimonos, which will include a live kimono kitsuke dressing. Individuals who are interested in being selected to be a model for the kimono demonstration or dressing can sign up on a first come first served basis.

Discover the rich cultural heritage and contemporary relevance of the kimono as Bailey delves into its symbolic meanings, evolving styles, and the role it plays in shaping identities.

Please register HERE.

Please email Uno Kakegawa at for further inquiries.